Buns Away
Small Animal Boarding!
Please book early to avoid disappointment!
This is Parsnip, who over his lifetime kept me on my toes, taught me plenty of patience but above all he taught me how to literally fall in love with a large, barmy, bouncy bunny that was so full of lovely attitude and lots of little bunny beans no one could resist his character. My local vets nick-named him ‘The Parsnip’ as he always proved quite a handful in the vets!
We broke all the rules of buying a new pet the day we purchased him as I was initially shopping for a pair of jeans only to be mesmerised by this handsome chap in a pet shop! He didn’t look very well and his bottom was covered in sticky poop (lovely!). Just one look into those dark eyes I knew I had to take him home. We had no where to keep him, no food or bedding and at 4pm on a Sunday not many places were still open for us to get all the essentials but somehow we managed it and he settled in quickly.
After a few days he really perked up and turned into the cheeky chap everyone fell in love with – we kinda knew he was ‘special’ from the day he actually sat on a rather large, rather grumpy bumble bee!!!!
After noticing Parsnip grooming my brothers dog ( a whole story on its own!) we thought it would be a good idea to get him a girlfriend – Pixie arrived and his life was complete.
Sadly Parsnip passed away in his sleep two years ago at 8½ years but he really was the start to pursue my dream of owning my own small animal boarding company so Buns Away was born.

£9.50 for a single bunny
£10.50 for two sharing (bonded pairs only)
Guinea Pigs;
£7.50 for a single piggy
£8.50 for two sharing (bonded only)
£4.50 for a single Chinchilla
£5.50 for two sharing (bonded pairs only)
£3.50 for a single rat
£4.50 for two sharing (bonded pairs only)
£3.50 single hamster
From £3.50 onwards depending on size of bird

Fresh Hay Daily
Fresh Fruit & Vegetables
Daily Fresh Bedding
Readigrass Fed Daily
Dodson & Horrell Just Grass Fed Daily
Litter Trays Changed Daily
Feed Bowls & Water Bottles ( water refilled twice daily)
Daily Fresh Chinchilla Sand
Heat Pads & Cool Pads (dependant on weather)
Facebook Updates & Photos
Pet Brushing (please bring your pet's brush)
Pet Carriers Cleaned & Refilled Before Collection
Cuddles & Nose Rubs!
If you'd like me to look after a pet that's not listed please contact me and I'll do my best to help. Unfortunately I'm not able to look after cats, ferrets or snakes.

Booking is easy, just send me a brief message via text, email or using the 'contact me' section. I will then either post or email you the booking form which includes my Terms & Conditions. Just fill in the simple form as much as you can and return to me using the pre-paid envelope or via email. If I have availability, I will send you a confirmation of your booking. If I am full I will happily place you on a waiting list and keep you updated should your dates become available.
Please read my Terms & Conditions carefully before filling in the booking form.
When you fill in the booking form you are also agreeing to my Terms & Conditions.
My opening times are by appointment only although I will do my best to be as flexible as possible outside of these times if necessary.
I do ask for full payment either before or when you arrive in either cash, cheque made payable to Mrs L Curling or by bank transfer (call me directly for bank details). If you would like a detailed receipt please let me know.
If you have any questions or would love to have a chat just give me a call!!
I look forward to meeting you and getting to know your lovely pets!

(Preferred Methods)
Open Hours Are By Appointment Only;
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm
Sunday 10am to 12noon