Please read the following carefully…
I agree that during my absence, I give permission to Buns Away – Linda Curling to act as guardian for my pet/s named on this form.
I accept that Buns Away - Linda Curling will not accept any pet/s showing signs of a contagious or infectious illness including a mite infestation (patchy hair loss & scurfy skin), runny eyes or nose (unless these have been confirmed by a vet that they are not contagious or infectious to other boarding visitors and my own pets.
I therefore understand the recommendation to treat my pet/s for fleas, mites before arrival along with a treatment of Rearguard (for the prevention of fly-strike) which can be purchased from a pet shop or my usual vet.
If I am boarding a rabbit/s I agree they must be fully vaccinated with Nobivac Myx/Rhd 1 and Filivac Rhd 2 which will cover their entire stay. I understand the renewal date on my vaccination form/card for all vaccines must be in date for at least three months after the date of collection.
If I collect my pet/s earlier than the agreed dates (without prior arrangement) I agree to pay the full boarding fee regardless of collecting early.
In the event that my pet is taken ill while staying at Buns Away, I understand Linda Curling will always try to contact me first but if I am not contactable my pet/s will be taken to my own vet but if this isn't possible due to distance, I agree for Linda Curling to use her own local vets Earls Hall Vets. I give Linda Curling permission to act under the vet’s advice and in my pet/s best interest should I not be contactable to advise unless this was otherwise stated previously in writing at the time of the booking enquiry.
If I cannot be contacted, I agree that in the event of general anaesthetic, surgery or emergency euthanasia Linda Curling will accept the advice of the vet – in very serious circumstances I understand Linda Curling will gain a second opinion from an alternative vet at the same practice where possible.
I confirm none of my pets are/will be suffering from or suspected to be suffering from any infection orContagious disease or mite infestation when they arrive at Buns Away and are in good health.
I agree to pay Buns Away – Linda Curling any costs incurred in full when I arrive to collect my pet/s for any veterinary treatment given to my pet/s while boarding at Buns Away.
I give my permission to Linda Curling to transport my pet/s to and from the vets as necessary.
I accept that liability, theft, accident, injury, death, public and all other insurances for both the owner and boarder whilst visiting and boarding with Buns Away are the responsibility of the pet owner and that Buns Away - Linda Curling is released of any and all such liabilities.
Should any pet pass away in my care your pet will be taken to your veterinary surgery (depending on distance, or a local vet near to Buns Away) where he or she will be kept until you return.
At no time will my boarding guests come into contact with each other unless they arrive as a bonded pair or in bonded groups.
I agree that if I do not collect my pet/s within 14 days of the agreed collection date and I am not contactable, Linda Curling can find my pet a suitable permanent new home.
When you arrive and enter my house and garden, I'm happy for you to see your pet/s settle in and for young children to meet my own animals but please note this will be at your own risk.
I understand that should Linda Curling be away for longer than a day a suitable (live-in) pet-sitter with a good knowledge of all pets will stay at Buns Away and take care of my boarding pet/s. I agree that the pet-sitter will have my full permission to take care of my pet/s in the same way as Linda Curling as outlined in these Terms and Conditions.
Your Personal Data Inc GDPR
I give permission for Buns Away - Linda Curling to hold details about me and my pet/s and contact me by phone, text, email, what's app when necessary. I understand my details will be shared with either vets treating my pet/s or by any resident pet-sitter only.
I understand Buns Away would never knowingly pass any personal details onto anyone outside of Buns Away Small Animal Boarding.
I agree for Buns Away to place photos of my pet/s onto Facebook unless otherwise stated by myself at the
time of booking.
By confirming my booking at Buns Away I agree that I have read, understood and agree to the Terms and Conditions for Buns Away Small Animal boarding as detailed above